Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 5 Topic 2 : Media Blog Projects

The blog post I found most interesting was the post from Dennis. His post was on "Saturday Night Live", it was about how "SNL" feeds on stereotypes from American pop culture. He mentions how "SNL" is an equal opportunity offender on current issues within our media. I agree with his views on this show because as a child "SNL" made a major impact on my views towards pop culture. I found this show more entertaining in the 1970's-1990's because of the comedians who later found major stardom. Some of my favorite actors started out on "SNL", like Chris Farley, Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell, Chris Rock, and Tina Fay. While watching the "Weekend Update" segment of this show I was kept informed on national news from a comedic perspective at an early age. 

My favorite part of this show was the commercial sketches because that poked fun at real issues. My all time favorite sketch was the "Oops I crapped my pants" segment, which was a parody of a Depends diaper commercial. 

Week 5 Topic 1: Newspapers

"I read/buy the newspaper because … "

- of the coupons, and comics that were in the Sunday paper. Eugene areas Register-Guard contained the best coupons with the best values.I didn't mind making a purchase of only a $1.00(nowadays the price has raised) because it out weighed the value of the paper. Ideally the paper was free from the savings that I had saved from using their coupons.The comic section of the Sunday paper was in color and much larger then prior days.I enjoyed reading the comics in color because it gave it a sense of reality.

 "I would read/buy a newspaper if ..."

- it had positive news.I do not enjoy reading papers that mostly consist of negative news. Constant negativity in papers such as: local/national crime, war related stories, politics,and corruption only breed more negativity.Our society only seems to feed off of despair which creates a ripple effect.Negativity begets negativity. More positivity imaginary in the media(such as in newspapers)could create an overall happy mind-state and better our society.Papers should embrace positive subjects such as encouraging people to volunteer,ways to improve our environment,family based stories,cute pictures of animals,and rainbows.       

 For the following I used the "Eugene Weekly" as a template for others papers to follow for survival with the ideas from Jeff Jarvis from the book "WWGD":  

1. FREE, FREE, FREE: When papers are free, consumers are most likely to pick-up the paper and look at its material. Having the paper at convenient locations such as schools, restaurants, convenience stores, libraries, and street corners (with bright red or attractive boxes) attract more viewers.     

2. LONG LIVE THE MASS OF NICHES: Make sure your paper is geared to one particular demographic. The "Eugene Weekly" for example, is a local paper who's main focus is "Eugenians." It contains editorials about local issues with cutting edge subject matter, that has a more diverse view point then others newspapers.

3.  ELEGANT ORGANIZATION: Have a graphic design that is appealing, the front-page should be eye-catching, such as this weeks issue of the "Eugene Weekly". It had a half-naked lady holding cannabis plants, which was voted its #1 cover of all time. Articles should be in full-color with interesting topics that are fair and balanced. The entertainment section should be more expansive featuring a magazines format.    



Thursday, October 23, 2014

Media Blog Project 1: Utopia

 ''This is not a game. There is no prize. This is UTOPIA: reality TV in its truest form."

Quick description:

Utopia is a glorified commune where 15 strangers (cast members) are to build a new society all within a period of one year. They are placed into a remote location and have to create new laws, new ways of living, build strong relationships (romantic, friends and foes), experiencing banishment with replacement of new members, with a constant 24/7 life freed with 360 degree cameras placed throughout the land. It was created by John De Mol (creator of Big Brother) and executive producers Conrad Green (Dancing with Stars), John Kroll (the Amazing Race), and David Tibballs (Dragon’ Den’). With a surprisingly outrageous 50 million dollar budget.

Plot Summary of the episode seen on date: Friday 10/17/14 @ 8-9pm on FOX
The plot of this particular episode consisted of multiple themes such as:
·        Wedding of a main character:
Rob (the Liberal) got married to Jess (a non- member) in Utopia. Together the members of this society had participated in the creation of his wedding. All of the aspects of the wedding were covered from: bachelor party (“Cirque de Skin” theme), Ceremony ( Jonathan [the pastor] a previous member joined Utopian’s for this celebration to marry the couple), Reception ( held on the porch), First dance, throwing off the bouquet, garter belt release, feeding of the cake, and finally the honeymoon were the newly married couple spent their first night in a “Love Shack” ( a building that was built by the members in a prior episode). The origin of the name “Love Shack” came from one the members because they said that the building was made with love, which I think is bologna! 

A new member (non-human) joined Utopia:
Enrique (the Rooster) became a father for the first time to a baby chicken, only one … how adorable!
·        Reuniting of a non-human member:
A baby cow was reunited with his mother from being in isolation. In prior episodes (that I did not partake in watching) explained the reasons why this happened, but it was a huge issue among the members of the release of the baby cow… Also very cute!
·        Trial by Jury:
      Two of the members got into a heated argument about personal belongings. Chris harassed Aaron about the disposal of his Mayonnaise. Things got heated between them and Aaron made a point to threaten Chris’s life because Chris was antagonistic towards Aaron. One if the laws of Utopia is to never threaten another member, so this issue was taken very seriously.  The punishment was followed by a jury’s (the rest of the members) deliberation, which consisted of on hour of anger management for both parties, and an extra hour for Aaron (who made the threat) of tilling the land. 
 This episode aired a total of 38 commercials (ridiculous!). Those advertisements included:

Little Ceasars Pizza ( aired twice), Progressive (aired 3 times), Fox Programs ( aired 4 times), Carl’s Jr., Wendy’s, Jack-in-the Box, Outback Steak House, Olive Garden, Burger King, Mini-Wheat’s Cereal, Jeff Merkley (Political), Discount Windows (Local business), L’Oreal, Clinique, Amope, Samsung Galaxy 5 (aired twice), Aflac ( aired twice),  NFL ( aired 3 times), Honda, Cottonelle, Lifewise, Les Schwab, Verizon, Crest, Allstate, Nicorette, Camry, and Ram 1500 

  After viewing Utopia for the second time, I have decided that it is something that I will not continue to watch. The drama seemed obviously contrived. For example the situation between Chris and Arron was unrealistic. It was Utopia’s water down version of reality. I wanted a true bloody fight scene and Utopia did not deliver. The producers of Utopia try to make the viewer feel that this show is realistic by its style (360 degree cameras and 24/7 feed) that it is not rigged, but the drama seemed obviously staged. The strength of this show is its concept (starting society over), which never has been done on America network TV before, but it has in Denmark. It is has many attributes that are similar to other reality TV shows such as Survivor, Siberia, and Big Brother, but it seems that the creators are trying too hard to convenience the views of this concept. I believe that the target audience of Utopia are primarily female dominant ranging from their mid-20’s to their late 40’s because of the sensual concepts throughout the show and the drama placement. The commercials and advertisers exhibited a women stereotype by placing mostly female related products throughout this episode such as Clinique and L’Oreal. Those products were very convincing for a viewer, but not this show. The creator’s ultimate goal was to make great television by creating a better society, but it may be its demise.

 Please check out the critics views on this show because the comparisons just mimic my opinion of the show. I feel that our society is getting tired of the same old stuff, let's try a new concept on this whole reality TV era. Utopia gives other cultures an unrealistic view of America. It gives a bad example of American society.
“Utopia set to become the biggest flop in TV history.”- Chris Taylor of Telegraph

 "Utopia review: Big Brother? Big deal- by Verne Gay

This particular Reality TV show is obvious scripted/ staged because with much research I have found that people such as Gillian Flynn (author of "Gone Girl") wrote scripts for this particular show. The actors/ and actresses (contestants) of this show seemed obviously encouraged to stage unnecessary drama filled situations such as the fight between Chris and Eric about personal belongings to create high ratings. Fighting among contestants and having romantic (sexual) relations on television sells by high ratings from consumers. "Siberia" is another example of a Reality TV that was staged by hiring worldly actor/actress to portray as normal people, but were sold to the public as your average Joe contestants. I believe this is "Utopia's" biggest weakness because of its obvious attempt to portray itself as authentic. This show in my opinion has no real strengths.  

Stereotypes in "Utopia" entailed the 1950's life style such as the women cook, clean, and take care of the household, while the men worked outside (by building the sheds),farm work and was the dictator of the land. If foreign visitors were to watch this show their views would be quite construed of what REAL America is like. Roles between women and man are shared in today's society and
Promiscuous sex is not as prevalent as depicted in this show. 

The producers of "Utopia" are media savvy, they used social media to promoted this show by showing commercials/ advertisements on local TV stations such FOX, ABC,and CBS in addition they used Facebook, Twitter as marketing tools.   

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Forum 3: Topic 2: Campaign Advertising

The particular issue that has caught my attention is YES ON 92 (Oregon), or YES ON 522 (Washington). This issue is pertaining to labeling genetically engineered foods such as GMO's (pesticides in foods) and having the right to know what is in the food we consume.

This commercial has caught my attention because of its persuasive techniques: Hidden fact (allergies, children in the hospital, findings of Roundup in breast milk, charts with findings of pesticides in foods), Irritation (reputation of "We have the right to know"), and it has used the plain folks appeal (Mom's Across America).

I would vote YES on 92 just because I think we should have the right know what's in our food. I have so many food allergies and I could die (go into a elliptic shock)  if I do not know what I am consuming. More information on the ingredients of food is better.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Media Blog Forum 3 Topic 1: YouTube/Advertising/PR

The particular cause that I had researched was "Breast Cancer Awareness" because this month (October) is dedicated to this particular cause. The social media (TV, internet, magazines, and even billboards) are inundated with information about this subject because it is something that we all should be aware of. None of us are exempt because Breast Cancer shows no bias.

 I came across this specific YouTube video (please watch below) and thought that it was very risque but very informative. I salute how the young lady came across with her point in the teaching about breast cancer awareness. The audience that she mostly targeted was everyone on the streets of Delhi, and now the world. The target audience ranged from a whole spectrum of people (from young children to older adults). The effectiveness of this campaign was very successful because of its portrayal. You go girl!!!   And please support this cause by wearing pink in October 24 (even you too men).

The one concept that Jeff Jarvis proposes in the book "WWGD" that stood out the most was his second lesson: Newness. The main reason I was hired as leasing agent for an apartment building complex was because I wasn’t currently from that area. This rental complex was located in Lincoln, Nebraska and the manager said that they needed a new pair of eyes. I came in with a newness and I could lease apartments with new and effective ideas because I was from a different state (Oregon). I was a great success and asset to their company by boosting sales. I am a firm believer that a newness can rejuvenate a company.